
The Agroforestry Complex in the Portuguese Economy – 2020 99 maintenance and repair of farm buildings and other works (6.8% per year), and other agricultural services (5.5% per year). In 2020, intermediate consumption grew 0.5% in value due to positive price evolution (0.6%). Evo- lution in volume was impacted negatively by other Purchase of services allocated to the farming sector has grown exponentially in recent years, particularly due to the expansion of vertical integration in the food industry to include marketing, the replacement of farm equipment (vehicles, machines, tools and barns) that were included in fixed capital, the purchase of transport, repair and conservation services, and the indirect hiring of labour through companies. goods and services (-4%) and positively by fertilisers and soil improvers (7.6%), phytosanitary products (7.6%), and maintenance and repair of materials and tools (1.6%). In value, growth in fertilisers and soil improvers (3.4%), phytosanitary products (10.7%) and animal feed (2%) stand out. Methodological Note • Statistics Portugal (INE) regularly publishes statistics that are used as the basis for analysing the Portuguese economy, namely the agroforestry complex and its agrifood and forestry components. • The INE statistics used to analyse the agroforestry complex are the National Accounts (NA). It should be noted that the final figures in the NA for a variable in a certain year are only published after two years – the GDPmp figures for 2020, for example, will only be known in 2022. Until then, therefore, figures are deemed provisional, since they are based on estimates calculated on the basis of the known information and processed up until that moment. • For example, the 2020 GVA in the agrifood complex, which includes the agricultural sector and agri- food manufacturers of beverages and tobacco (IABT), is estimated on INE data for the respective components. The 2020 GVA for the agricultural sector stems from the Economic Accounts for Agricul- ture (EAA) (satellite accounts), published by INE, with the first estimate announced at the end of 2020 and the second in February 2021, and point towards a drop in GVA. GVA for 2020 for IABT is estimated by GPP from the INE’s industrial production indices and shows a drop in IABT production between 2019 and 2020. • However, other INE statistics seem to suggest growing demand in foodstuffs, as well as an upturn in exports accompanied by a downturn in agrifood imports, though it is difficult to fully explain these variations relative to the variation in the former GVA. Note that the methodology of “2016 constant prices” used to analyse GVA in volume assumes some stability with regard to the price structure for the base year. However, as 2020 was a non-typical year, there may be some inconsistencies in the analysis of volume. For example, a large variation in oil prices in 2020 and 2016 (altered price struc- ture) may partly explain these differences.