
104 ANALYSIS AND PROSPECTIVE STUDIES CULTIVAR Issue 22 APRIL 2021 Ageing Index in rural parishes For rural parishes, the AI was used ( Ageing Index = Population aged 65 or over × 100 3 ) Population aged under 15 and the following results were obtained: 2001 2011 • In 2001, 789 parishes had an AI of <100, most of which were located around the Porto Metropol- itan Area (AMP) in the strip between Viana do Castelo and Aveiro, and around Leiria; 3 • Parishes with AI >500 numbered 229 and were mostly located in the central inland and Algarve highland regions; • In 2011, the number of parishes with AI <100 (389) fell to less than half of the figure for 2001 and were found in the eastern part of the AMP, 3 A figure below 100 signifies a lower number of people aged over 64 than under 15. between Porto and Braga and to the north of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (AML); • Parishes with AI >500 (where the number of those aged over 65 is at least five times higher than the number of those aged 15 and under) followed the opposite trajectory, more than doubling relative to 2001 (568). These stretched from the northeast region and were more noticeable in the central inland and Algarve highland regions.