
66 ANALYSIS AND PROSPECTIVE STUDIES CULTIVAR Issue 22 APRIL 2021 Fifth, the holdings in question as a whole represent 60% of all existing ruminants in mainland Portugal, a percentage that rises to 71% for suckler cows, of which around 59% belong to extensive bovine (meat) holdings and around 75% to holdings of over 200 ha of UAA. Sixth, the financial results of the agroforestry areas (AAs) are highly dependent on direct payments to farmers (DPFs) from Pillars 1 and 2 that together amounted in 2018 to around €303m, of which around 77% is related to Pillar 1 subsidies. Pillar 1 DPFs (€231.9m) are most prevalent in the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) (42%) and grants for suckler cows (19%), sheep and goats (8%). For Pillar 2 DPFs (€71.1m), the key measures in 2018 were payments for integrated production (PRODI) (31%), organic production (MPB) (18%), extensive grazing (5%) and native breeds (4%), as well as sup- port for disadvantaged areas (MZD) (22%). Table 6 shows the amounts paid in 2018 in decou- pled payments, production-coupled payments and agro-environmental measures (MAAs) and MZDs as a whole to holdings corresponding to the different types of farming in question, as well as their average values per hectare, per holding and the respective percentage in the Gross Farm Income (GFI) and Net Entrepreneurial Income (NEI). Analysing the data, we can conclude, with the exception of bovine (milk) and, partly, mixed holdings, that all other types of agro- forestry systems are more heavily dependent on the current DPFs than the aver- age holding in mainland Portugal. Seventh, as regards the financial results of the hold- ings in question, the following aspects must be noted (Table 4): • with the exception of bovine (milk) holdings, land productivity of all agroforestry systems in 2018 was far lower than the national average; Table 3 – Pillar 1 and 2 DPFs to farms classified by most representative types of farming in agroforestry systems in 2018 Type of farming Pillar 1 DPFs Pillar 2 DPFs DPFs per DPFs as % Total (10 6 €) Decoupled payments (%) Coupled payments (%) Total (10 6 €) MAA (%) MZD (%) ha of UAA (€) Holding (€) GFI NEI Bovine (milk) 7.0 67 33 0.3 56 44 640 78,215 8.5 55.2 Bovine (meat) intensive 21.9 64 36 4.4 74 26 312 29,193 16.8 221.4 extensive 105.9 73 27 33.6 83 17 189 58,075 37.4 86.1 Small ruminants 55.5 65 35 17.2 63 37 180 12,126 27.8 160.7 Mixed 41.6 72 28 15.6 84 16 195 30,921 25.8 45.9 Total 231.9 71 29 71.1 78 22 198 26,943 26.9 84.9 Total in mainland Portugal 580.7 78 22 265.7 58 42 241 4,947 17.5 63.3 Fonte: IFAP 2018 … with the exception of bovine (milk) and, partly, mixed holdings … all other types of agroforestry systems are more heavily dependent on the current DPFs than the average holding …