
7 Cultivar – Cadernos de análise e prospetiva [Culti- vate: Analysis and Prospective Studies] has been published on a quarterly basis since 2015 by the Min- istry of Agriculture’s Office of Planning, Policies and General Administration (GPP). It features analyses, statistics and studies on farming, food, forestry and territorial issues and the relevant public policies. Throughout this period, Cultivar has published arti- cles with reflections and in-depth information on topics as varied as resources (soil, water, labour, energy, technology and biodiversity), economic issues (market volatility, international trade, risks, bio-economics and macroeconomics) and more comprehensive questions such as sustainable food, gastronomy, population and territory, climate change, digitisation and agricultural education. As Portugal takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of this year, we have decided to publish Cultivar issue 22 in Eng- lish so that it can be more readily accessed by our partners in the EU. For this issue, we have selected a series of articles published in earlier issues, some of which were updated. The aim is to provide an over- view of the state of Portuguese agriculture in light of international market and public policy trends. 1 saudavel/14 The selection criteria for the articles was to present a panorama of Portugal’s agrifood and forestry sec- tor as comprehensive as possible given the space restrictions of a single issue. The varied contribu- tions are written by representatives of the sector, academia, and government. Cultivar , as the various articles will show, is aimed not just at publishing technical and scientific anal- yses but also at creating a forum for debate and reflection. It is open to contradictory views and the constant search for knowledge founded on action and the establishment of strategies for all stakehold- ers in the value chain of rural products. Section I – Major Trends Cultivar issue 3 – Healthy and sustainable eating. March 2016, p. 13 1 In response to our question on this topic – “ In a world with a continuously growing population and finite natural resources, what policies are necessary to ensure sustainable food production and a healthy diet? ” – José Lima Santos from the School of Agricul- ture (ISA) states that global access to food is a goal we are still far from reaching. It implies cutting food waste and considerably raising production, which is Editorial EDUARDO DINIZ Director General of GPP