
Gerir a escassez de água na agricultura de sequeiro exige uma abordagem integrada 19 Uma seleção de recursos relevantes da FAO ● Drought portal – Knowledge resources on integrated drought management. in-action/drought-portal/ ● Agricultural Stress Index System (ASIS). https:// ● Modelling System for Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change (MOSAICC). in-action/mosaicc/ ●Global Agro-Ecological Zones. https://gaez.fao. org/ ● WAPOR (Water Productivity through Open access of Remotely sensed derived data). https://data. ● Angioni, C., Haensel, M. & Wolf, J. 2023. Catalysing climate solutions: an introduction to FAO’s work on climate change adaptation in agrifood systems. Rome, FAO. ●FAO. 2020. The State of Food and Agriculture 2020. Overcoming water challenges in agriculture. Rome. ● Sacande M., Parfondry M. & Cicatiello C. 2020. Restoration in Action Against Desertification. A manual for large-scale restoration to support rural communities’ resilience in Africa’s Great Green Wall. Rome, FAO. ● FAO. 2021. Global outlook on climate services in agriculture. Investment opportunities to reach the last mile. en/c/1469994/ ● FAO. 2021. National agrometeorological services and pest and disease early warning in Asia and the Pacific. Bangkok. cb6537en ● FAO. 2022. Grazing with trees – A silvopastoral approach to managing and restoring trees. FAO Forestry Paper, No. 187. Rome. https://www.fao. org/3/cc2280en/cc2280en.pdf ● FAO. 2022. The role of genetic resources for food and agriculture in adaptation to and mitigation of climate change. FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Rome. https:// ● FAO, IUFRO and USDA. 2021. A guide to forest-water management. FAO Forestry Paper No. 185. Rome. ● FAO, 2015. Global guidelines for the restoration of degraded forests and landscapes in drylands: building resilience and benefiting livelihoods, Berrahmouni, N., Regato, P. & Parfondry, M. FAO Forestry Paper No. 175. Rome. https://www.fao. org/3/a-i5036e.pdf ● HLPE, 2015. Water for food security and nutrition. A report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security, Rome 2015. https://www.fao. org/3/a-av045e.pdf ● WASAG – The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture.